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Send your Message

To send a test message to your channel, to ensure everything is working as expected, you can click Send test message me nu button on the channel page.


The message length is limited to 4096 characters on Telegram, and 2000 characters on Discord. Don't worry, we auto strip the message to fit the limit.

The ping api

If you want to send a message to your channel programmatically, you can use our ping api. The ping api is a simple http api, you can send a request to it and it will send a message to your channel.

The ping api url is simple as this:


For example, your username handle is daudau, and your channel handle is my-channel, then your ping api url is

Send a simple message


If your payload is a json object, and the only key is message, we will use the value of that key as the message. Otherwise, we will use the whole payload as the message. If the payload can be json parsed, we will use the json string as the message.

All the request body which is sent to the ping api will be foward to your channel as a message. For example, if you send a GET request with the following query string:


Then your channel will receive a message Hello world.

Send complex payload

You know that, you can use the endpoint of channel as a webhook to intergrated with 3rd party services, then received the payload right in your chat app. Easy right, if you hate email notification like me, that why I create Ping2me 🤣.

So if the payload is a json object, ping2me automatically serialize it to a json string, then send it with beautiful format.

curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "name": "Nguyen Viet",
    "age": "69",
    "github": "bangnokia",
    "languages": ["php", "js", "rust"]
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "name": "Nguyen Viet",
    "age": "69",
    "github": "bangnokia",
    "languages": ["php", "js", "rust"]

Then you could receive a beautiful message like this:

Love it, right? 😍

Integrate with your CI/CD

Example if you have a long running deploy script, or build script, you can send a message to your channel to notify when it's done.

curl -d "message=Deploy script is done"
curl -d "message=Deploy script is done"

So simple, right?