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Ping2me is a simple, Software as a Service that allows you to receive data from third-party services and foward them to your Chat apps like Telegram, Discord, Slack, etc.

Who is it for?

We designed Ping2me to make it easy for every one to has their own webhook without the need to setup a server or write a single line of code. It's for anyone who wants to receive notifications from third-party services to their chat apps. You do not to be a developer to use Ping2me

How it works

Ping2me works by generating a unique and friendly(easy to remember) URL for each notification chanel you want to receive. You can then use this URL to receive notifications from third-party services. You can also use this URL as a webhook to receive notifications from other services to your channel.

We handle many EDGE cases like rate limiting, retrying, etc. So you don't have to worry about them. Ping2me also eliminate many annoying stuff to setup a webhook and integrate bot to your chat apps, make it easy peasy lemon squeezy.